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The Irony
Monday, May 25, 2015 @ 12:05 am
Basically this entry is about a post i happened to come by on Facebook.
The story goes somehow a little like this, a family was having dinner at Swensens that was located at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2 and apparently a stranger at the same restaurant was annoyed at this family nuisance with her kids running around and shouting and screaming. This stranger was not moved by the kids nuisance that she stood up and told the family to shut up. So the mother of the child was not happy about it that after their dinner she told the boys and her husband to take their leave first as she wanted to talk to this stranger. The stranger was unhappy that she approached that she asked her to F.O.

She stood up and ask her to not disrupt her dinner with her friends, the mother eventually took photos of the person and defame her on social media. I mean is that really necessary? The mother said she handled the situation gracefully. Is this even gracefully? Defaming others. Isnt that that just a joke?
The mother is the same as the stranger, A pot calling the kettle black herself. The irony of some people.
Tuesday, September 09, 2014 @ 11:59 am
My gear before the run

The Color Run 2014 was beyond amazing. It was my very first run with my Girlfriend and it sure was memorable and unforgettable. 
Falling pancake photo booth

We came extra early, 4 hours before our run to have a little picnic by the beach. Orange chicken with rice, lemon muffin, spin crackers and also H-TWO-O to replenish and recharge us before the race. Love make the most amazing Orange Chicken I have ever tasted.

After lunch we went down to the booths that was set up. They were amazing, photobooths, places to print our color run photos, Original Source products, Happy Plugs.

The Happy Plugs Booth

We literally took pictures wherever it was possible. The before run entertainment were engaging. It hyped me up for the run to levels i never knew i could for running. The host was great, they were friendly and spontaneous that made everyone entertained, giving high fives to everyone always be on their tippy toes.

The money man

Pre Run Shoots

The run was great! The powdered colors that splattered all over my faces, such a great feeling indeed. Different color every 1km made me want to run more and more. Excited what colors coming next. Organizers you did a great job. Two thumbs up for you guys.

Orange checkpoint

3KM Mark

Original Source as the sponsors, we had to stop to take a picture with the standee. Your Shower Gels are AMAZEBALLZ! Love it tremendously!

4KM Mark

1KM more and we reached the finishing line. Thank you so much love for always pushing me to not give up. Slowly but surely we would reach the finishing line. 
                                                       The finishing line

New friends we made

Powder Party

We stood queuing at the new balance booth so we could print our photos. But something more awaits us. Before printing our photos we are supposed to do crazy stuff. And guess what we had to dance like a ballerina in front of such a huge audience. We were just being good old sport. There is video up on my Instagram if anyone is interested to watch it. Guess what we won? 

A pair of new balance each
We were beyond stoked when it was revealed to us. The gentlemen and lady who assisted us were nice and sweet encouraging us, congratulating us for our winnings. That was indeed the highlight of the whole event. Honestly right now, this present day I am still in disbelieve. Thank You New Balance for the shoes and an amazing Event.

After effects of my gears. Yup there is my Happy Plugs!

So that is for now. More to come soon. On the New Balance that I collected pretty soon. Have a great day everyone. Toddleloo!

Tell the world you've finally got it all
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 @ 3:14 pm
I choose you to spend the rest of my remaining life with. It may seem far-fetched but what is impossible. I know what we have is not an illusion. We are not perfect we'll learn from our mistake and as long as it takes i will prove my love to you. I am not scared of the elements i am under prepared but I am willing.

A cycle that is yet to be broken.
Thursday, March 20, 2014 @ 9:50 pm

This should indeed be a mantra in this place where I call home since I was a child. The only thing that I've ever received in this lovely place called home are false accusation that never seems to be true. Yes, I do understand that we all have the rights to have our very own perspective on whatever that is available. But don't you think that by doing that you are just feeding you very own unsatisfactory idea of how everything in the world should ever be. And just for your selfish self that you would never seem to understand. 

A house that is filled with sexist people that never seems to understand the meaning of independence for women. As only the men or should i call them boys rules them with none of them using theirs heads ever and be see things from a different perspective.  

A cycle that should be broken here and everywhere in the world where the only importance is the males perspective of life. When they are merely blunt and dumb to see things deeper than their daft brains would ever allow them.  
My love
Friday, February 07, 2014 @ 6:49 pm

This is my heart favorite scenery. 

She is one amazing person for sure. Always striving for the best and always being the upmost best. She never fails to make me smile even in the worst of situations. She has been the greatest for sure. The only person that has made me feel more of princess and a girl at the same time. Never forgetting to treat me so gently like a lady. Blessed I am. 


Its our FOURTH
Thursday, October 10, 2013 @ 5:17 pm

Officially 17 weeks old together. Yes yes! It does not seem as though it is long, but hey I am glad we made here until today to celebrate our 4th together. A day at the beach that seemed so simple but totally extravagant to me. She cooked Orange Chicken, and I've got to say that it was beyond amazing! A great cook i call my own indeed. She prepared everything the night before straight after work when she was pretty much exhausted.
The menu for the day, 
- Orange Chicken
- Boiled potatoes in chilli and pepper
- Lemon muffin (Marks & Spencer)
- Grapes
- Lemonade
- Hot Tea. 

I don't need expensive gifts, high class restaurant, all I need is her time and her being by my side. That is more than I could ever ask for. In 2 months we are gonna be celebrating our 1 year anniversary of dating each other. Which falls on Christmas and we actually have so much planned for that day. 

Laying in her arms was always the best feeling ever. I loved it so much. I felt so safe so secure, as though nothing could ever get through us if we stayed such way. Honestly, she has been the best that has ever happen to me. We aren't a perfect couple but I am glad that we would always listen to one another to be better together. It was never a one sided kind of thing. We talk, listen and settle, which I love so much about her. And not to forget, she has the most adorable set of teeth i have ever seen in anyone. Small and tiny comparable to kids. 

Well whatever physicality that I feel for her, I am glad that it was a starter that allowed us to interact and be what we are today. She is my princess, my baby, my one. I love her always in all ways. 
A new perspective
Saturday, September 21, 2013 @ 5:46 pm

From now onward, I am going try to not let insecurities, rumors or anything else affect me. I am going to try to look at things as different as they could ever be. I'm not putting my guards down. I just want to live. Live life to the fullest. Without any regrets. Maybe it is time. Time to see that not everything in my life is here to hurt me at all. Stalking wont stop, loving someone wont stop, being jealous wont stop, nothing is going to stop, it is just going to be decreased. I deserve this. After much sacrifice of my own happiness, it's time. Everyone hurts in their own way, and they heal in their own unique ways too. So, how can i judge? When I was once in their shoes before. Breath in more, listen more and talk less now. Possible to be my new creed? A change in me, for the better. Who knows...
this is me.

Rawr I'm Shakilah. People call me Shak. I turn a year older on 14 May. I am covered in FRECKLES. I love SWEETS they are like my small little version of happiness. I love to act but I'm just a little good at it.
PLay My MuSic
dance hall drug

Awesome Khai
Cuzzins .
Kak Noor
Kak June
Shops and others .
Jonas Singapore
Diseny teen
selena fan
Selena style

Monthly Achievments

layout by seisha at blogskins. image at here and background at here.