Don't know why but i like it
Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 7:23 pm
So does it mean that if i go a day without thinking about you, that means I've stop liking you? Nah.. Not true. I can't keep on thinking of you and not thinking of my own life right? Everything has their time. Somehow you never did left my mind. Warm, fuzzy feeling... I like it :)
I can predict
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 7:35 pmIt's pretty weird. I don't even know how I do it, but I can predict the future somehow. Saturday, someone was complaining to me that the person was hungry. I said Chicken Curry. Guess what... The person ate Chicken curry. Hahaha.. Lame I know. I miss my friends!!!! Aini, Kiddo, Soraya, Azmick, Azar, Zhen Qi, Danya, Jaishani (even though I meet her everyday in school). Hope to meet all you guys soon in the near future. Can't think
Sunday, April 05, 2009 @ 5:45 pmBrain thinking, brain hurting, stomach grumbling, mouth chewing, legs shaking, books flipping, ears listening, fingers typing. Too much thinking. Too much flipping pages. Too much story to make up. To much grammar to look out for. Too much interpreting. Too much websites to go to. Not gonna complain. Well I did already. That's ok. Looking forward to something much better. Tomorrow will be great, hope so. Being positive, hope it helps. Music helping , happy, happy me. Spent time with sweeties yesterday. We walked and walked, for the night. Realizing how much we never spent as much time together as before. There are so much thing I want to blog right now, but the time is confining me right now, mybe I'll blog later. Soon. A New Start
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 @ 8:47 pm
I am changing from Blogger to LiveJournal for a moment. So drop by my LJ if you are free. I'm not deleting my blog, it is still gonna be here. It only gonna be dead for some time. Hehe.
this is me.
![]() PLay My MuSic
dance hall drug
PLMGSS .Angela Charlene.L Cheryl Grace Jaaziel Jaaziel Joyce.L Jiaying Livia Danya Sivy SherlyTaufani Lisha Shaf Theresa Onedeetwo05' Twodeetwo06' Threedeetwo07' Fourdeetwo08' OBORIANS . Kemetot Raop Adlin Khidir Azly FRIENDS . Afiq Azhar Kiddo Soraya Sadik Awesome Khai Cuzzins . Aiman Iskandar Nurul Kak Noor Kak June Shops and others . Jonas Singapore Diseny teen selena fan Selena style Studiofrost LookBook MODCLOTH Monthly Achievments
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