Siblings, Family LOve u Can NEVER change that, It will always be there.No matter how far u guys are :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 @ 10:32 pm
Siblings, Family LOve u Can NEVER change that, It will always be there.No matter how far u guys are :) Pez made my day!!!!
@ 10:03 pmI was so pissed of yesterday..... BUt my mom came home from work and she bought me pez... I forgot all my problems cause i was too overjoyed hahahaha....If ppl out there don't know what pez is, this is it... well the pic is the sweet pez that my mom bought for me....mmm.... delicious... Now all i need is to get a dispenser, then everything would be perfect. Skul was per normal, but kinda fun though ran 16 rounds around the shaw hall. i ran without stopping at all so proud of myself hahaha.... Ate to much for recess though, Fish & Chips and 2 chocolate waffle. I was just hungry. hahahaha. Can't wait fer skul tomorrow. Wait... What am i saying there's gonna be a maths test tomorrow. Oh man.... That's ok Mrs. Wong U really pulled me up this time. I guess i'm not that bad in maths like i thought i was. Smiles.. So conclusion can't wait for maths test. But still can wait for all the other test coming up. Luckily thursday no skul if not die satu pun belum start belajar. hahahaha..... Btw, can't wait for this monday hope to see kemetot, nadia and gang, and all budak2 obor. Miss you guys lots....
Sunday, January 27, 2008 @ 9:48 pm
So much homework!!! Oh man!!! What am i going to do??? Geography, Maths, Malay and Food and Nutrition. I can't finish it :( I got stuck in maths and i'm gonna do maths tomorrow in skul. Food and Nutrition i'll see first. Had lots of fun talking to Sardine. Haha... Both of us had problems with malay. The stories are just to complicated tak faham. Orang yang buat pun bukan nyer budak menengah tapi budak sekolah JC Cerita bukan panjang ajer tapi terlalu banyak perkataan yang tak pernah ku dengar dan lihat. Lol...
Super stoink... Friend at home... But i really dun noe wat to talk to her about??? Hahaha can like that arh.... Takut ajer salah cakap... I'm just glad i could help... Skul tomorrow Boohoo so gonna get scolding by my "mother" again haha!! Tak per if from her i dun mind. Cuzz really had a great time talking to you last Friday. Haha! That was my very first time sleeping at 3am talking on the phone. Nasib baik tak kene tangkap. Hey Cuzz if ur reading this.... I just can't wait to irritaite u again, for ur info it's my specialty to irritate people haha!! But at least i made u smile and laughed non-stop hehehehe..... Got to go now, jus can't open my eyes to sleepy. I'll try to update again tomorrow. Peace out, Bye!!! Wow cOllecting newspapers are cool!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008 @ 8:52 pmwhile collecting newspaper Collecting newspaper are so cool i jus knew in the morning. I had to collect newspapers from residents to raise funds for Pertapis Home for woman and girls. I'm just glag that i do something to help them. Not only that. I bonded wif my junior and senior much more and i found out they are quite cool. Haha... Had a great time in Np. But it was tiring though we went to block 170 and 113 to do out collections. While doing collections there was someone cooking bah kwa Haha... Juniors just couldn't resist it. It was a great experience in all learn lots of new things, juz wished it ended later. Miss you in skul
Friday, January 25, 2008 @ 5:51 pm
Hey sepet...
Miss you lots in skul juz now. Sekarang you tak ader... It's just feels weird.Talking kat dalam kelas during lesson, i miss that. Waking you up during lesson, i rindu tu. Tak payah lah u say sorry, u didn't hurt nor did anything. I know wat happen, u noe u could have told me ealier. Sekarang u dah tak ader i wonder rahsia2 i siape lagi i nak beritahu. Dun worry U will never be replaced. Walaupun kiter orang jauh tapi you tetap dekat di hati. I'll never forget you. Nanti satu hari kiter gi shopping lagi. Mungkin sekarang i'm not really use to u being gone, but i'll learn how to accept it, i'll be strong, i'll stand on my own two feet. Tapi janji, we'll never ever lose touch. One last thing i still owe u a b'day present, so that means we gonna meet again soon. Can't wait. Lots of love. Peace out. :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008 @ 6:17 pm
![]() I'm gonna miss you so much... I wonder who will be sitting by my side now... who's gonna go recess wif me now... why did you have to leave??? I'm confused. You were everything my bestfriend, my darling, my babe. Now that you're not here anymore guess i got find new friends to go recess with. Next time if you have any problem with anything just tell me. I'll try to help, I promise. You'll still be my best friend no matter what, that will never change. Love you babe! Keep me updated daily ya... Talk to you later. You'll always be closed in my heart forever. Happy Birthday Cuzzie and Lisha!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008 @ 8:52 pm
Happy Birthday To BFF Lisha And my dahling Aiman. Happy Birthday. Wish you guys a happy year. :)
I was so surprised when you msg me. I tought u were sick. When I open it i juz smiled none stop. Haha! You made my day so much but i can't tell you that cause it gonna hurt someone else, someone close to my heart to. I want to tell you how much you mean to me but it's just so hard. We'll i just gotta live with that now. I'll tell you one day, I will, when i've pick up the courage. But Why is it just so hard? If i tell you will it i put anything in jeapodize anything. I wander??? Will it change anything if i tell you?
Thursday, January 17, 2008 @ 5:07 pm
Batch 36 CCa Fair 08' Me and Shaf Me and Shaf again in the bus Lisha, Me and nana after skul crap Me and Nabs (Girlfriends)
@ 4:39 pm
Oh no.... Tommorrow is Friday(sigh) i'm gonna be in alot of trouble. I'm just so lazy to go fer CCA. That's ok at least i got something to do then not doing anything. I can't believe it i finished my malay compo and it's the best i've writtn i think to me... hehehe.... But no one is gonna mark it until this monday and i have another malay compo to write. Oh man :( I gotta finish my food and nutrition coursework and maths homework need to read To Kill A Mockingbird for "N" levels. The funny thing bout the book is that i use to hate it but when it gets to the middle it is actually quite nice, sweet and adorable. i'm gonna finish reading it.
I'm so happy
@ 4:32 pm
I'm so relief that nothing happen to you, you made me so worried. I was never this worried bout someone like this before that's ok i shouldn't go on. I'm just glad that you're alright. And you'll always be in my prayers no bet. Get well soon!!! :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 @ 5:17 pm
I keep asking myself, why did you have to leave? You were always there but you went missing suddenly. I tried to get you but it didn't work, you were not there. Everything seems so wrong without talking to you. It's like there is something missing everytime i think bout you. What are you keeping? I miss you so much. Your presence, your voice, your laughter just bout everything bout you. I am very grateful that i have met you cause you have made me see that i'm just special in my own way and that i don't have to be someone whose i'm not around you. You just made me feel special the way i am. Thanks alot. BUt If.. you ever have any problem i am willing to be a listening ear. Just give me a call and i'll be there. I promise that i'll always be there when you need me.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 @ 10:36 pm
Omg! this is the worst day part of my life how could it have happen to me. I should have known better then to just ignored the signs that was there. I didn't went up cause the uniform was incomplete. Now the only thing that i can do is to wait for Friday and get scolded by my officers. Now i really wanna say sorry to everyone really i do, I'm now living in fear. I dun want my squad mates who are innocent get scolded for the things they didn't do. i'm also scared that tomorrow they would get scolded without my prescence. So ya i'm sorry i will take all the blame :(. But i also wanna say thanks to all my peeps who were so concerned bout me just now.
You left without saying anything. But when you left i kinda miss you. I've been thinking bout you alot this week and i don't even know why. You menghaib. I hantar sms pun u tak reply. I really am worried bout u or am i actually falling for u?No tak mungkin. we are world's apart. but u mean so much to me. I wanna tell u the truth but i afraid. That's ok i'll keep in my heart i'll say it when the time is right.
Monday, January 14, 2008 @ 8:40 pm
Super candid shot!!! Sardine sream!!! Took this picture during CCA fair 08 had so much fun that it scared sadrina... Jai is like laughing so hard super hilarious. Good times, good times. HaHaHa!
Sunday, January 13, 2008 @ 1:48 pm
Hey peeps! I had so much fun yesterday... Love the way you dance ruth. Kemetot at last i had the chance to meet you.Luv. I bought a new T-shirt super cool. It says "DIET STARS TODAY" and it's green and orange. Super nice bought it at Bugis street.
Thursday, January 10, 2008 @ 5:45 pm
Am i becoming a bimbo? Lol..
Sorry influence from Gol & Gincu, the show is just so addictive. You guys reaction was so cute in the library. And by the way nasib baik cikgu tak nampak what i did. Juz now in class i had so much to write, now semua dah hilang tak ader imginasi lagi dalam otak ahh... Wat to do?Wat to do??? I really had so much fun in maly lesson today laugh until got headache lol... kelakar macam nak mampus...hehehe...BY the way guys, Have fun doing karangan. TRIBUTE TO CHARLENE
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 @ 5:12 pm
I'm gonna miss you...
The times we had, we shared, i know your strong but just wanna let you know that i'll always be here if you need me. But why now? Why do you have to leave? I found out and i tought it was just a joke but when i read about it i guess it's true ur leaving not knowing when your coming back. I'm gonna miss but you, we all will, remember that. You did so much for all of us when we were together back then. I guess we are going our seperate ways. I'm gonna miss you. Just have fun when your there. You will always be in our hearts. Hope you'll still remember us no matter what.
Monday, January 07, 2008 @ 8:35 pm
Wah! Starting of the year already got test stress man why can't i just go back to Sabah where everything was so easy and fun. Where every single moment is being cherished. I miss those time. I would give anything just to go back to those beautiful moments in my life. But i guess this is reality. In skul i was already given the "N" level Food and Nutrition Paper so scary and i only have less than 4 months to finish the coursework.I'm quite scared but i am going to face it with comfidence because i know i can do it.And bring honour to my family. :)
Sunday, January 06, 2008 @ 2:14 pm
Happy New Year Too all !!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008 @ 10:29 am
The year 2007 has just went by and it is 2008 already. That's fast i gotta say. Firstly i have to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Wow! i just can't believe thati gotta go skul tommorow. But now i really have something that i want and i'm aiming for it and that is to go into temasek poly.
I have 2 years to go and i'm gonna start to be serious but a little fun dosen't hurt right? A new year a new resolution. I have accomplished lots of things in the year 2007 like conquring crocker range you guys ever heard of it i guess not, it's a jungle..., i've conqured Mt. Kinabalu, survived trough 2007 sec 3 and made it alive in one piece to 2008. But i still have a long way to go. I made lots of new friends in the year 2007 and they were the best, i'll never forget you guys. By the way thank you alot for the people who went to OB Sabah with me you guys really helped me alot and because of you guys i'm here right now. Actually i wanna thank everyone single one of you who have helped made it trough this last year. Thanks again. The times we shared will always be cherished no matter what, they will always be in my heart never forgotten but they will only be memories that i have. All thoese hopes that i know that it can never be real will also be forgotten. Now i gotta to grow up there's no more wasting time. Life's to short to make mistakes. I've seen 7 shooting stars that was very beautiful and i wished on every one of them i just hope thoese wishes i made would come true i gotta say people out there if you haven't seen a shooting star what are you waiting go and see one. But making wishes ain't that fun accomplishing it yourself is much more fun wishing take the fun out. ok that's all for today over and out. :) |
this is me.
![]() PLay My MuSic
dance hall drug
PLMGSS .Angela Charlene.L Cheryl Grace Jaaziel Jaaziel Joyce.L Jiaying Livia Danya Sivy SherlyTaufani Lisha Shaf Theresa Onedeetwo05' Twodeetwo06' Threedeetwo07' Fourdeetwo08' OBORIANS . Kemetot Raop Adlin Khidir Azly FRIENDS . Afiq Azhar Kiddo Soraya Sadik Awesome Khai Cuzzins . Aiman Iskandar Nurul Kak Noor Kak June Shops and others . Jonas Singapore Diseny teen selena fan Selena style Studiofrost LookBook MODCLOTH Monthly Achievments
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